Health and Safety

At Genel we believe that all injuries and incidents are preventable, and the safety of our operations and workforce has, and always will be, a top priority.

Genel aims to empower everyone to intervene and stop any work that is considered unsafe, and holds all employees accountable for HSE performance. We share our commitment to safety and our policies and procedures with all contractors and, when necessary, we work with them to raise their standards to meet our requirements.

Our objective is ‘Goal Zero’ for serious accidents and annual targets are set for reducing HSE incidents like lost time injury frequency, total recordable incident rate, and process safety event rate. Risk-based internal and external audits are conducted regularly as part of a rolling three-year HSE audit plan.

Our emergency response and crisis management (ERCM) training is informed by British Standard 11200:2014 ‘Crisis Management-guidance and good practice’ and includes a training and competency requirement to enable our employees and contractors to respond quickly to emerging issues and challenges associated with a real-life emergency response. In addition to general ERCM training, Genel has also designed unique training programmes for each of our departments to reflect their specific risks and types of emergency situation.

We are progressing our plans to achieve ISO 45001 certification for occupational health and safety management in 2022. We also once again achieved our target of zero lost time injuries (LTI) across both TTOPCO and Genel operations for the fifth year in a row 2016-2020.

We continue to establish objectives and targets to drive continuous performance improvements and conduct management site visits, workplace inspections and audits, and address any non-conformity or actions in a timely manner.

Communicating and consulting with our staff and stakeholders in an open and honest manner is important to Genel, and we are committed to report all incidents, and share lessons with the appropriate stakeholders.

For more information, please reference Genel’s Health, Safety and Environmental Policy, which can be viewed on the Genel website.

Sustainability stories



  • Integrity

  • Respect

  • Accountability

  • Collaboration

  • Ingenuity