Supporting Local Education

Over the years, Genel’s education projects have contributed to the development of the KRI’s educational sector, created more effective learning environments, and emphasised the significance of education in local communities.

Various education related projects Genel has enacted over the years include the refurbishment of schools across the region, the construction of a library and nursery, and the purchase of computers, books, school supplies, sports equipment and toys.

In the Qara Dagh region, major projects carried out in 2019 included provision of kerosene and heaters this past winter for 36 local elementary and secondary schools attended by a total of 1,754 students. Additional efforts were made to improve the local learning environment by donating toys and funding the carpeting of a local kindergarten, supplying sports equipment to a sports club, and purchasing a set of computers for the library. Each one of these activities offers much needed resources and services, and has an enduring impact on neighbouring communities.

sustainability stories



  • Integrity

  • Respect

  • Accountability

  • Collaboration

  • Ingenuity