Sarta: building an asset fit for the future

Sarta worker looking out to landscape

Gas management

Management of GHG emissions remains a key element of Genel’s business, with operated assets being actively managed to minimise life of field emissions in order to align with our GHG Emissions Management Standard.

In doing so, we see our assets as having the appropriate emissions profile during this phase of the energy transition. On 1 January 2022 Genel took on the operatorship role of the Sarta field, an asset that fits in with our low-cost and low-carbon aspirations. We aim to eliminate routine flaring as the asset develops and the process of evaluating a range of possible gas management solutions to achieve this has been progressed further in 2022.

Genel solar panels with sunset

Renewable energy options

We also embarked on a feasibility study in 2021 to determine the viability of renewable energy options for our future energy needs at the field. Both these initiatives represent an important step for Genel as we strive to minimise future emissions.

As an initial step along the path of sourcing our own energy needs from renewable supplies, 2021 saw Genel initiate development of a 7.5KW solar panel and battery storage unit at Sarta-1, which is intended to power production and ancillaries at the Sarta-1 pad and which is due for completion in 2022, with a similar unit planned for Sarta-6.

Moreover, 2021 also saw the successful operation of our solar-powered chemical injection pumps at Sarta-2, Sarta-3, and Sarta-4. These units provide renewable energy to the injection package to enable rapid and standalone deployment. Both of these developments demonstrate the incremental steps being taken by Genel to address our own energy use and reduce our carbon footprint, by exploring options to utilise renewable energy sources.

Genel sarta site

Methane emissions reduction using LDAR

In line with Genel’s commitment to limit fugitive methane emissions from our portfolio of operated assets, an independent third-party Leak Detection and Repair (‘LDAR’) campaign was conducted at Sarta in August 2021.

The LDAR campaign assessed over 9,000 connections across the processing facilities, flowlines and wellheads using the best available technologies to detect even the smallest leaks, through the use of a flame ionisation detector and optical gas imaging.

Measurements onsite have provided encouraging results as only six leaks were encountered, equivalent to 2.4 tCO2e of emissions each year. Genel was able to repair all six identified leak sources and is committed to continue performing annual LDAR campaigns to identify possible leaks for repair, and to continue the reduction of unintended emissions.

Genel worker looking out to Sarta site

Looking forward

As the Sarta asset progresses, Genel will continue to focus our efforts on each of these fronts in pursuit of developing an asset fit for the future and moreover, an asset for this phase of the energy transition.

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