Health and safety

Genel is committed to ensuring the highest health, safety and wellbeing standards for our teams. Our policies reflect international best practices, including IFC Performance Standards, the ICMM Sustainable Development Framework, and IOGP Standards.

We engage people with a strong safety culture on the ground through regular site visits from the leadership team, safety observations, recognition of positive practices, training, and town hall meetings. By keeping everyone close to the safety process, we empower individuals to stop any work that could be unsafe.

Safety management system

Our health and safety (HSE) policy and management system is designed to reduce risk to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) and incorporates:

  • Risk management
  • Competency and training
  • Contractor management
  • Process safety and integrity management
  • Personal safety management
  • Permit to Work (PTW) systems
  • Management of hazardous substances
  • Land transportation
  • Incident reporting and investigation
  • Emergency response and crisis management
  • Assurance and management review

Continuous improvement

We approach safety through a continuous improvement cycle – Plan, Do, Check, Act.

We establish objectives and targets which drive ongoing performance improvements, and conduct risk-based internal and external audits and inspections to address areas for progress promptly. We remain committed to ‘Goal Zero’ against serious accidents and reducing HSE incidents, including ‘lost time injury frequency’, ‘total recordable incident rate’, and ‘process safety event rate’.

Operational safety

Genel’s principle is consulting with staff and stakeholders openly and honestly: we’re committed to reporting all incidents and sharing learnings as appropriate. For example, our transparent approach to hazard identification, risk management and risk controls are laid out here.

Genel operational safety chart