As part of our environmental responsibilities, we recognise that we operate in a water restricted region and that availability to fresh water is valuable. Therefore, it is a key priority of the Company to efficiently manage its water consumption and recycling practices as operations continue.

During the ESHIA process, particularly through environmental impact identification workshops, facilities and practices are designed to reduce water use to as low as reasonably possible. Genel has taken significant steps to reduce freshwater consumption by using produced water for the mixing of drilling mud. For example, between 2017-18 a total of 26.4ML of freshwater was saved by recycling produced water during drilling operations at Taq Taq. This represented 61% of the total water used for drilling during this period.

As we increased our operational footprint in the KRI, we have developed a new reporting format to start collecting data on our water use, its source and post-use disposal at all of our sites. Prior to commencement of operations at Sarta, Genel, along with the operator, rolled out a “Use Water Wisely Campaign” and at the Sarta 6 Camp a high-grade sewage treatment unit was installed that will treat sewage wastewater effluent to a very high level.

Water Pipeline at Taq Taq to increase water access of locals

In addition to being a responsible consumer of water in the region, Genel has sought to increase and improve local community access to 2019 Genel committed the necessary funds to construct a water pipeline that will transport water to 200 families/1100 people across five neighbouring villages surrounding our Taq Taq asset.

sustainability stories



  • Integrity

  • Respect

  • Accountability

  • Collaboration

  • Ingenuity