
We are committed to adhering to high environmental standards, minimising emissions and natural resource use, proper waste management, the prevention of pollution, and to protecting biodiversity. Genel will not compromise its environmental values for profit or production. We assess and monitor our environmental aspects and impacts as part of environment impact assessment process, and we approach our efforts to minimising our environmental footprint and protecting biodiversity as part of our support for the goals of the energy transition.

Following a precautionary approach, environmental management at Genel is built upon rigours risk assessments prior to commencement of every project and robust working methods at every subsequent stage. Adherence to Genel’s HSE Policy, standards and procedures is required by all Genel employees and contractors and emphasised through periodic training and site visits. These policies and training are developed and implemented by the Operations and HSE teams subject to the appropriate oversight and reporting within the Group.

Genel complies with country specific legislation and uses Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessments (ESHIAs) as a key planning tool for new major developments and projects at planning stage. ESHIAs are primarily undertaken to achieve project investments, approval and permitting, support protection decision making, achieve better relationships with stakeholders and protect and enhance Genel’s reputation. The results of ESHIAs inform our Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) that sets out the management measure required to avoid or mitigate impacts associated with the project and implement monitoring and management plans. These are implemented before commencing and during operations.

key statistics

  • 0 kg CO2e/bbl

  • 0 %

  • 0

  • 0

  • 0 %

  • 0 %

Biodiversity at Qara Dagh

Qara Dagh is both an area of outstanding natural beauty, and also an ecologically sensitivity area. It is a Key Biodiversity Area, Important Bird Area, and Important Plant Area. Genel has prepared a site-specific Biodiversity Action Plan that provides a framework for the implementation of the Project’s biodiversity mitigation and management measures during all phases of operations and is being monitored carefully by Genel. For example, before civil work commenced, a comprehensive three census was conducted that will allow Genel to rehabilitate and restore degraded habitats following the completion of work. We also work closely with Nature Iraq (the Country’s leading environmental conservation group who are accredited to the United Nations Environment Programme and affiliated to Bird Life International) to ensure the long-term protection of the ecosystem within the area of our operation.