• Snapshot Of Genel Energy

Snapshot of Genel Energy

Genel Energy’s core assets are located in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Our portfolio currently contains a working interest of 92 MMbbls of 2P reserves across four fields: Taq Taq, Peshkabir, Tawke, and Sarta. Net reserves and resources across the portfolio total 5.6 BNboe.

Genel has a material cash position and is seeking to build reliable and repeatable cash flows that support the re-establishment of a dividend programme. Unrestricted cash balances at 30 September 2023 were $391 million, with net cash of $132 million. Our focus is the preservation of capital for the addition of new resilient and cash-generative assets to our production portfolio.

Below is a summary of Genel Energy’s interests divided by region.

Asset Genel Interest (%) Partners (%)

Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Taq Taq 44%, joint operator Addax 36%, KRG 20%
Tawke 25% DNO International 75% (operator)
Sarta 30% Chevron 50% (operator), KRG 20%


Lagzira 75%, operator ONHYM 25% (carried through Exploration Period)  


SL1013 51%, operator OPIC Somaliland Corporation 49%
Odewayne  50%, operator  Afentra 34%, Petrosoma 16%